Project to End Graffiti and Mess Adjacent to Bridge Begins August 1st

A project to finally end the graffiti and mess on the rocky shoreline of Lake Tulloch Bridge begins Wedneday.  Ron Berry, General Manager of Tri Dam, working with Tuolumne County Supervisor Karl Rodefer and Calaveras County Supervisor Dennis Mills, has announced that Tri Dam will begin a project August 1 to curb pollution and mess on the shoreline of Lake Tulloch. Tri Dam is the agency that has a flowage easement and coordinates on lake development. The agency has two other reservoirs Beardsley and Donnells farther up in the Sierra.

For years inconsiderate visitors have dumped trash, panted graffiti, and created a mess on the shoreline of Lake Tulloch adjacent to the bridge. Mr. Berry said that crews will begin next Wednesday to close off access to the parking along O’Byrnes Ferry Road on the east side of the bridge.

As noted in various media, people have dumped trash, panted graffiti, and created a mess on the lake’s shoreline adjacent to the bridge. We have even witnessed open fires being built on the shoreline in the summer time to warm early morning visitors on this private land during fire season. The beautiful rocky cliffs have covered in graffiti. People come and party and too often leave their trash and take nothing out.

Mr. Berry said that crews will begin next Wednesday to close off access to the parking along O’Byrnes Ferry Road on the east side of the bridge along both sides of the county road up the hill. There will be no parking in those areas and barriers and fencing including large boulders will be installed all along the road. Tri Dam estimates it will take 4 days to complete the project. 

Tri Dam is footing the bill for these important steps to try to end the pollution and mistreatment of the lake.  The California Highway Patrol and the Sheriff’s Office will be empowered to write parking tickets for any vehicle parked in these no parking areas effective the end of next week.  We appreciate Mr. Berry’s leadership with the support of Tri Dam to take this action.

One Copperopolis resident on Facebook expressed the positive reaction to the news from scores of local residents in various social media “I think this is the best news I’ve heard! I’m so tired of driving by seeing a ton of trash on the side of the road and trash on the side by the rope swing! Let’s clean up the lake!”

Traffic Delays — There will be no traffic delays just traffic control. We will provide more information as to the times of the day the work will be underway but the road will NOT be closed.

(Picture credit of Ron Berry  – The Calaveras Enterprise taken at the March 2015 Drought Meeting held at Black Creek Park and sponsored by The Lake Tulloch Alliance.)